Billing Cashiers Authorize

To access the Billing Cashiers Authorize tab from the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Billing >Cashier Entry. The Billing Cashiers window opens to the Balances tab. Click the Authorize tab. This tab allows you to use the Authorize function for the active student for a single term (selected upon opening the Billing >Cashier Entry window).

If the student has been unofficially registered, there will be Authorize options available, and the pre-registered courses display in the Registered Course Work data grid with a Registration Status of Unofficial. If there are no unofficial courses to authorize, then the following message displays in the Authorize Options portion of the window: "Selected student does not have any unofficial courses to authorize."

To authorize/recalculate/delete unofficially registered courses:

  1. Select the Authorize Action to perform:
  1. A prompt displays asking you to confirm the action. Click Yes to process the action.
  2. Once the action is complete, a confirmation message displays. Click OK. To refresh the window, click the Authorize tab.

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