CAMS Configuration Development Options

This form allows you to enter separate address information for your institution should your Development office be located apart from the rest of your campus.

Fiscal Year Begin and Fiscal Year End - Enter the begin date and end date for the fiscal year. Note the date format for the fiscal year (MM/DD). These dates effect how giving totals are displayed in donor entry forms.

Development Receipt # - Next number to be used in the incremental numbering of development receipts.

Maintain Adm/Dev Addresses - If checked, addresses added in Admissions or Development will automatically be added in both modules. Addresses existing in Admissions when the account is transferred (or retransferred) to Development will always update in both modules. This occurs when modified from either module.

If unchecked, Addresses existing in Admissions when the account is transferred (or retransferred) to Development will update in both modules. This occurs when modified from either module.

Auto Inactivate Campaigns - Check this box if you want an active campaign to automatically become inactive once the end date of the campaign has been reached.

Auto Create Event Pledges - Check this box if you want the system to automatically create pledge entries for the constituent/event in pledge batch when event attendees are saved.

Auto Generate Receipt on Save - Check this box if you want CAMS to automatically generate the next receipt when a new entry is saved.

Enable Auto Joint Credit - Check this box to have CAMS Enterprise automatically create Soft Credit transactions for all individuals who have a Joint Account with the donor.

Soft Credit Pct - When Enable Auto Joint Credit is selected this field displays. Set the percentage of the amount of the donation that will be used to calculate the automatically created soft credit entry.

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