General CAMS Configuration Tab 2

The second page configurations include important decisions your institution makes concerning IDs, automatic status, and parking TransDocs. Below is a description of the settings you can define in the configuration form.

Student ID Type - Either Social Security Number or User Defined can be selected from the list. This list is populated by Unit4 Education Solutions. Selecting User Defined allows you to use alphanumeric characters to define your student identification codes. Selecting Social Security Number allows you to simply use the student’s social security number for the student identification code.

Auto ID Prefix - Set the prefix to be used when creating the Student ID when allowing CAMS to generate a unique student ID. This value is a single non-extended character value (A-Z, 0-9). Any newly defined prefix will only be used on newly added students. Existing student IDs will not be modified.

SSN Field Picture - USA, Canada, or another user-defined value can be selected from this list. These values are supplied through the SSN Picture Type glossary table. This determines the default format for social security numbers. For example, the USA format is ###-##-####.

NSC School Code - National Student Loan Clearing House identification number for your institution obtained from the Financial Aid department. This information is supplied by the Department of Education.

Initial Status - Global status which is automatically applied to students entering your institution for the first time. This is located in the Student Status form. Values for this field are supplied through the Enrollment Status reference table and are determined by the institution. If nothing is defined, or if the default value is changed in the Student Status record, CAMS will NOT automatically update the next Status record with the Continuing Status value.

Continuing Status - Global Status which is automatically applied to students returning to your institution for a second registration term. Values for this field are supplied through the Enrollment Status reference table and are determined by the institution. If nothing is defined in the Initial Status field, or if the default initial status value is changed in the Student Status record, CAMS will NOT automatically update the next Status record with the Continuing Status value

Student ID Seq - Should your institution decide to create a unique Student ID Type, this field allows you to determine the last number of your sequence. CAMS then will automatically generate subsequent student identification codes based on that value.

Enable StudentID Edits - If enabled, student IDs can be modified. If unchecked the field cannot be changed.

Auto Incr ticket # - If checked, parking ticket numbers will be automatically generated incrementing by one above the highest ticket number currently used; numbers may be used only once. If not checked, parking ticket numbers must be entered manually; numbers may be assigned to multiple tickets/violations.

Update Res/Commuter Status from Housing - When checked, if a room assignment is deleted prior to charges transferring to billing, CAMS will automatically update the Commuter field in the Student Status window.

Domestic Phone Mask - Select the format as to how newly entered phone numbers should appear. This will not affect existing phone numbers. When a Phone Mask is set, numbers typed will conform to the mask. Any typed character that violates the mask is not accepted in the field. Users may paste any characters into a field which will then violate the mask at which point any character may be typed into the field.

Show National ID - Enable this option to display National ID, Alternate ID, and Alternate ID (State Reports Lookup Glossary) fields on both Prospect Maintenance and Student Admissions Information windows.

National ID Max Length - Set the length of characters allowed in the National ID field.

Default Show On Directory Select the default setting of Yes or No for the Show On Directory field in Student Admissions Information Admin 1 tab.

Default Address Selection - Select either USA or Non-USA as the default Address Type to be used throughout CAMS. The Address Type can also be changed manually when entering or modifying an address.

Initial Applicant Status - Select the default Prospect Status drop-down selection when creating a new Prospect record. Prospect records created via the Application Portal or Graduate Application Portal will also have this status.

Student TIN Certified for 1098T - Is used to indicate if your institution solicited the students Taxpayer Identification Number in writing. If this field is marked as yes, the Students taxpayer identification no. box on the 1098T forms will be checked.

FERPA Warning Text - Text box may be altered to reflect information specific to your institution. This is the FERPA Warning all CAMS users see immediately after login. HTML tags may be used in this text box enabling creation of bulleted lists, bold or colored text highlights in order to bring attention to particular portions of the FERPA statement.

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