Constituent Addresses

Constituent addresses are maintained in the Constituent Address Entry form. This form can be accessed directly through Development >Constituent >Addresses, or through the Constituent Profile window (Development >Constituent >Manual Add or Change Profile).

All addresses in CAMS have a record ID associated with them, thus anytime an address is changed anywhere in CAMS, it is changed throughout the system – you only need to make the change in one place.

If a new address is added through the Admissions windows, that address will also be available in the Development module, appearing in the address list in the Constituent Profile window. In all other modules there can only be one active address for each type. In Development there can be many active addresses for each type (but only one primary). When a new address is created in another module and it is marked as the active address it will appear in the Development module but the active flag will not be set to yes. It will have to be changed. This is due to the fact that the active field in the Development module is a different field than the active field in the other modules’ addresses, which allows multiple active addresses for each type.

If a new address is added through the Development office, that address will only copy to the Admissions module if the Maintain Adm/Dev Addresses option has been selected in the CAMS Manager Configuration window for Development.

Some fields on the Address page:

Note: If the Primary Address is marked inactive CAMS will automatically create a copy of that Address Type and populate the Address1 field as “Unavailable” which will display in the Line 1 field for the Primary Address on the Profile tab. When the Constituent’s Deceased flag is set as Yes CAMS will also set the Stop Mail and Stop Calls as Yes, create a copy of the Primary Address Type, and populate the Address1 field with “Deceased” which will display on the Profile tab of the Constituents record.

To Copy An Address:

To copy an address, open the address for editing and click Update/Copy. A message will inform you that you are now working on a copy of the original address.

To Delete An Address:

To delete an address, highlight the address to be deleted and click Delete.