Constituent Degrees

The Degrees form of the Constituent Profile holds degree information. Degree information present in a student record at the time of transfer to the Development module displays here. You may also add degree information here if the constituent has been manually added or if degree information was not present in a student record prior to transferring to Development.

To add Degree information:

  1. On the Constituent Window, click the blue More tab to access the Degrees option. Click the Degrees option to access the Degrees form. Any existing degrees display in the data grid. Right-click on the data grid to open the Degrees entry form.
  2. Select the Graduation Term, Admission Date, and Graduation Date.
  3. Click Yes or No to indicate whether this is a transfer degree.
  4. Use the search icon to locate the College from which the degree was earned. To delete a College, click the Clear College icon to the right of the College Name field.
  5. Enter Major, Minor, Cognate, and Honors information as applicable.
  6. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.

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