Wealth Data

The Wealth Data screen is used to hold wealth screening information and assist schools in tracking constituent wealth information for fundraising.

To Create a Wealth Data Entry:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Development >Constituent >Change Profile >More tab >Wealth Data button. The Wealth Data grid displays.
  2. Right-click in the data grid to add a new record or double click to modify an existing record and the Wealth Data screen opens.
  3. Enter the Entry Date - This field allows the ability to track the date the information was procured and may not necessarily align with the date the information was entered into CAMS.
  4. Wealth Item (required) - (Development >Setup >Wealth >Wealth Item Tab)
  5. Select the Wealth Type - (Development >Setup >Wealth >Wealth Type Tab)
  6. Enter the Value - This field allows you to track the monetary value of the items.
  7. Select the Wealth Source - (Development >Setup >Wealth >Wealth Source Tab)
  8. Enter the Rating - Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.