Planned Gifts

The Planned Gifts form is used to hold information for a situation where a constituent may wish to bestow funds on an institution as part of a will, or living will. These gifts are typically made in the form of a stock plan, trust, etc. as designated by the constituent.

To create Planned Gifts:

  1. On the Constituent Window, click the blue More tab to access the Planned Gifts option. Click the Planned Gifts option to access the Planned Gifts form. Any existing planned gifts display in the data grid. Right-click on the data grid to open the Planned Gifts entry form.
  2. Enter the Date of Commitment.
  3. Enter the date of the planned gift.
  4. Select the Vehicle (such as 401K, Stock Plan, Living Trust, etc.) of the gift (Vehicle Type glossary table).
  5. Select the Gift Type (Gift Type glossary table).
  6. Select the Number of Units, and then enter the Price per Unit, and also the total Amount. If these fields were previously empty or set to zero then the amount will calculate automatically. If there was anything in the fields then the amount will not calculate. This is by design to prevent data lost from previously entered amounts.
  7. Enter the Beneficiary name, usually the name of the institution, and any Notes, if applicable.
  8. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.

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