COD Import DL Plus Application Acknowledgement

To Import DL PLUS Application Acknowledgement Message Class File:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Financial Aid >COD Import to open the COD Response Import window.
  2. On the Load tab, click Browse to open the “Choose File to Upload” dialog box. Browse to and select the PLUS Application Acknowledgement XML file, CRSPxxOP (where "xx" is the year), which you have downloaded from your SAIG mailbox. This file may be located anywhere that you have access such as your local hard drive or a network share.
  3. Click Upload Document. The file is uploaded to a working location on the CAMS Enterprise server. Text displays indicating the file being used preceded by the CAMS user login name and the Parse XML document button displays.
  4. Click Parse XML document to format the document for import. The Students tab then displays where you may review the names that will be imported.
  5. To import the PLUS Application Acknowledgement file, click the Awards tab.
  6. In the Import Credit/PLUS Application Information section, select the Academic Year for the import.
  7. Click the Import Credit/PLUS App Info button to import the data.
  8. A confirmation pop-up displays; click Yes to import or No to cancel the import.
  9. Upon completion a pop-up displays indicating the import was successful. Click OK to close this pop-up. The imported information may be viewed on the students’ Financial Aid Maintenance Status tab by clicking View Credit/PLUS App Info in the COD section. The information will display when one of the following conditions exists. If neither of these conditions exist, the data is still imported and will display once the following is complete:
  1. If the student is not the borrower, a Financial Aid Status record must exist for the Academic Year the PLUS Application Acknowledgement XML file was imported into. A Default Borrower or Borrower Per Award Type must be entered on Page 2 of the status record detail.
  2. If the student is also the borrower, the data will display with or without a status record.

Note: If the Student is NOT the borrower, the Default Borrower or Borrower Per Award Type must be populated before you export COD. See Financial Aid Status for more information.

  1. When importing a DL PLUS Application Acknowledgement message class file, you can automatically update contact information for any Contact where the SSN in CAMS Enterprise matches a contact SSN in the import file. Select the specific CAMS Address, Phone, and Email Address field to update then click Update Contact Info. A message displays confirming you wish to update Contact information in CAMS with the contact information in the import file. Click Yes to confirm or click No to cancel the update to CAMS Contacts.

Note: All Borrower fields in the file will be updated on the matching Contact record in CAMS such as First Name, Last Name, City, etc.