COD View Export/Import History

COD Import and Export history for Loans, Awards, and Disbursements can be viewed from the Awards tab. All of the information that is displayed while importing or exporting COD is retained here in an historical view.

To View COD Export/Import History

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Financial Aid >Maintenance >Awards tab. The Financial Awards window opens. It is recommended to view this tab in full screen mode.
  2. Highlight an award in the grid, then click View COD History to display the COD Export/Import History Detail window. The following COD Import and Export information is available:
  1. Highlight an award in the top grid, then click the appropriate COD Export/Import History link to view the history for that award.
  2. The newest import or export information is displayed at the top of the COD History grid.
  3. Click Return to return to the Awards tab.

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