Financial Aid Term Award Limits

Term Award Limits are used to prevent over-awarding when applying student awards using the Financial Aid >Maintenance window outside of an Academic Year and Financial Aid Year.

To Define Term Award Limits

  1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Financial Aid >Setup >Yearly Setup to open the Financial Aid Yearly Setup window. Click the Term tab.
  2. A list of all Terms display in the upper data grid. These cannot be edited from this window. Highlight the Term in the upper data grid and then right-click in the Term Limits data grid. The Term Limits detail window displays.
  3. Select the Award Type you wish to limit, and enter the Term Limit dollar amount the award is limited to within this term. For example, the SEOG award may have an annual limit of $50,000. The Total Awarded and Balance amounts will update automatically as awards are applied.
  4. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.

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