Creating a Degree Audit Group

Once courses have been set up for the appropriate Degree Audit revision term, you can then set up a Degree Audit Group. After the group is set up, you can add courses from the Degree Audit revision term. When groups have been set up and populated with the appropriate courses, you may add them to Degree Audit Requirements.

To create a group:

  1. From the Registration >Degree Audit >Degree Audit Setup >Groups tab, right-click in the data grid to access the Groups Detail form.
  2. Type the group name in the Group Name field.
  3. Type a group description. If the group description is supplied, then the first 60 characters of the description will print on the evaluation report. You can use the description to indicate the types of courses that can be taken for the group. If group description is left blank then "UnMatched Remaining not shown" will print on the report in the group course listing.
  4. Enter the Credits Required, Sort Order, and the Minimum GPA Required. The sort order determines which group to evaluate first. It also determines the order in which the group is printed on the evaluation report. Groups with a zero sort order are evaluated first.
  5. Set the required Minimum GPA Per Course. On the Courses Detail screen (see Degree Audit Course Detail on page 7) you can set the Minimum GPA for that course. As stated earlier that minimum GPA affects every Degree Audit Program for the revision term. If the Minimum GPA Per Course field is set higher than the Minimum GPA on the Course Detail screen then every course in the Group must meet or exceed the Minimum GPA Per Course.
  6. Select Yes or No to indicate whether to Show Remaining courses within the group. If YES is selected, then the remaining courses will show on the report when printed. If the group is complete, then all unmatched remaining courses will be removed from the group. If NO is selected, then unmatched remaining courses will not show when the group is remaining.
  7. Select Yes or No to indicate whether to Minimize Credits. If YES is selected, then as soon as the group is completed, no more transcript courses will be applied to the group. This keeps a General Elective Group from having too many matches when they could be used to fulfill requirements for other groups.
  8. Select Yes or No to indicate whether to Populate Group Automatically. If YES is selected, then the Group Formula Intelli-Audit Formula Builder tool cannot be used to add a conditional formula to the group. Once YES is selected and the group is added, then the group may be accessed and the SQL button is available. Clicking this button accesses a window where you may enter a SQL statement without using the formula builder feature.
  9. Click Add to add the group and return to the Groups tab. The newly added group displays in the group list. The group is now ready to have courses added to it.

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