Adding Courses to a Group

Once courses have been set up for the appropriate Degree Audit revision term, you can then set up a Degree Audit Group. After the group is set up, you can add courses from the Degree Audit revision term. When groups have been set up and populated with the appropriate courses, you may add them to Degree Audit Requirements.

To add courses to a group:

  1. From the Registration >Degree Audit >Degree Audit Setup >Groups tab, double-click the group to which you want to add courses. A Groups Detail form appears.

Note: A selection filter is available in the Groups Detail form. This allows you to locate only certain courses instead of having to view all courses available. For example, if you wanted to add only Accounting courses to a Business Administration group, type Accounting in the Department field, then click Find. Only courses within the Accounting department display in the list.

  1. Right-click in the Courses In Group data grid to access a list of all courses available for the Catalog Term defined in the Degree Audit Setup window.
  2. Click the Add field of the course or courses you wish to add. You may select more than one course at a time.
  3. Select any/all of the following attributes for each course added:
  1. Click Add to add the courses and return to the Groups Detail form with the added courses in the Courses In Group list.
  2. Click Update when all courses have been added to the group.

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