Manually Map Student Degree Audit

When you evaluate a degree audit program for a student, you may evaluate the program "as is" (using the degree audit program as it was set up in the Degree Audit Setup area), or you may manually map a degree audit program to evaluate, specific to a particular student. Any manual mapping is reflected as such on the student's Degree Audit Evaluation Report.

To manually map a degree audit program for a student:

  1. Select the program you wish to alter, then click Evaluate Program. Once the program has been loaded, you may customize the Program, Requirements, Groups, or Courses by clicking on the corresponding tab.
  2. If you want to add a particular course to a group, first click the Group tab, highlight the appropriate group, then click the Course tab.
  3. Right-click in the data grid to display a list of courses.
  4. Double-click the appropriate course to select it. A message displays confirming that you want to add the course. Click OK. CAMS updates the Course list for the highlighted group.
  5. Follow steps 2 - 4 to add groups to requirements, or requirements to programs. Once the audit is customized to fit your needs, click Load New Program.
  6. Select the appropriate revision year. From the list, select the program you customized, and click Evaluate Program to perform a new audit for the student using the customized program.