Setting Up Degree Audit Programs

A program is composed of one or more requirements, and when combined with the degree, defines the degree program awarded to students achieving the criteria specified in the degree audit. Typical examples might be Accounting, Music, and Business Administration.

Before requirements can be added to a program, the programs must be created.

To create a Program:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Registration >Degree Audit >Degree Audit Setup. The Degree Audit Setup page displays.
  2. Select the Revision Term to create the degree audit in. Normally degree audits will match the term that your course catalog is revised. It should match the program course requirements that the student expects to have to complete to achieve their degree.
  3. To display the actual transcript course or equivalent course title that the student has taken to meet a requirement vs. the course title of the requirement check Use Transcript Course Title Instead of Audit Course Title.
  4. Limit Auto-Populated Groups by Student Transcript This option can be used if you use SQL statements to populate Groups automatically and have large numbers of courses in those groups. This functionality will help prevent the SQL log file from filling up when using Mass Update Audit in this scenario.

Warning: If Limit Auto-Populated Groups by Student Transcript is enabled, you must enable Bypass Degree Audit Checking in Student Portal Configuration, otherwise students will ONLY be able to register for courses they already have registered. Only use this option if all of your Auto-Populated Groups have Show Remaining set to No.

Note: When you select a Revision Term a message may display that states “There is no Degree Audit Setup data for Revision term. Do you wish to copy setup data from another Revision term? This will allow you to copy all the degree audits from another revision term to the new term. It may be easier to copy degree audits and make changes if the previous degree audits are similar. Click Yes to copy from another term, or No to continue creating data for this term. If you click Yes, a dialog box displays asking which term you would like to copy and you can select the appropriate term from a list. If you click No, continue with creating the first Degree Audit.

  1. After selecting the term click the Programs tab. A list of previously created programs display.
  2. Right click in the Degree Programs for Catalog Term data grid. A blank Program Details window opens.
  3. Select the Program Name, Degree, Credits Required (for the whole program) and Minimum GPA (required to pass the program).
  4. Enter a number in the Match Limit field that will determine, program wide, how many times a course may count towards completion of the degree audit. This number can be from 1 to 9999.
  5. Click Add to add the program or Cancel to cancel the addition. The new Degree Audit Program displays in the data grid.

Note: The Program Name, Degree, and Program Type lists are pulled from tables populated through CAMS Manager >Table Maintenance.

Note: Only courses that have the same GPA Group assigned to an audit will count towards the audit unless the course is manually mapped. A blank GPA Group for a Degree Audit will allow all courses regardless of the GPA Group assigned to the course.

Once you have created a program, you can then add requirements to it. Requirements are added with attributes particular to that program.

To add requirements to a program:

  1. Double-click the program to which you want to add requirements. A Program Detail form appears.
  2. Right-click in the Requirements In Program data grid to access a list of all requirements available for the Catalog Term defined in the Degree Audit Setup window.
  3. Click the Add field of the requirement or requirements you wish to add. You may select more than one requirement at a time.
  4. Click Add to add the requirement or requirements and return to the Programs Detail form with the added requirements in the Requirements In Program list.

A Program must have the minimum credits and minimum GPA met in order to be considered complete. All requirements must be complete in order for the Program to get marked completed.

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