Setting Up Degree Audit Requirements

Creating a requirement is similar to creating a group. A requirement is composed of one or more groups. Just like courses, a group can be a member of many requirements with different attributes in each. Before adding groups to a requirement, you must first create the requirement.

To create a requirement:

  1. Click the Requirements tab, then right-click in the data grid to access the Requirements Detail form.
  2. Type the requirement name in the Requirement Name field.
  3. Type a requirement description, the number of credits required, the sort order, and the minimum GPA required. The sort order specifies which requirements to evaluate first. It also determines the order in which the requirement prints on the student evaluation report. Requirements with zero sort order will be evaluated against transcript courses first. Audit courses are sorted by requirement sort order, then group sort order
  4. Set the Match Limit for the Requirement if it is different from the Match Limit for the Program. This Match Limit will override the Program Match Limit if the Match Limit set at the Program level is higher than the Match Limit set for the Requirement.
  5. Check the Exclusive match field so CAMS Enterprise will not count courses in a requirement as completed if those courses exist in another requirement that is sorted higher. For example, the program match limit is set to two and there are two requirements; Business and Electives. In both requirements BUS100LEC exists. When the degree audit is run both requirements would mark BUS100LEC as completed. If the Exclusive match field is checked in the Electives requirement then when the audit is run CAMS Enterprise would mark only the course as completed in the Business requirement but not in the Electives requirement.
  6. Click Add to add the requirement and return to the Requirements tab. The newly added requirement displays in the requirement list.

Once you have created a requirement, you can then add groups to it. Groups are added with attributes particular to that requirement.

To add groups to a requirement:

  1. Double-click the requirement to which you want to add groups. A Requirements Detail form appears.

Note: A selection filter is available in the Requirements Detail form. This allows you to locate only certain groups instead of having to view all groups available.

  1. Right-click in the Groups In Requirement data grid to access a list of all groups available for the Catalog Term defined in the Degree Audit Setup window.
  2. Click the Add field of the group or groups you wish to add. You may select more than one group at a time.
  3. Click Add to add the group or groups and return to the Requirements Detail form with the added groups in the Groups In Requirement list.

In the degree audit you can create formulas using groups. This will allow more advanced options in creating a successful degree audit.

To Create a Requirement Formula:

  1. Click the Requirements tab, and then double-click the appropriate requirement.
  2. Click Formula. The Formula Builder window opens.

    Using the groups you entered into the Requirement, you can now build a formula that will allow you to create conditional statements, allowing the requirement to be fulfilled based on the formula. For example, you can now create a formula that states the student must complete Group 1 and Group 2 or they must complete Group 3 and Group 4.
  3. For the above, click the open parentheses “(“ then click Select Groups in Requirements and choose Group 1.
  4. Click AND then choose Group 2 from Select Groups in Requirements and click close parentheses “)“.
  5. Click OR, then click open parentheses “(“. Click Select Groups in Requirements and choose Group 3.
  6. Click AND then choose Group 4 from Select Groups in Requirements and click close parentheses “)“.
  7. Click Update.

A requirement must have the minimum credits and minimum GPA met in order to be considered complete. All requirements must be complete in order for the Program to get marked completed.

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