Refund Policy

CAMS offers four refund policies which are defined in the Refund Policy Glossary Table in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance. These values are needed by CAMS to perform the necessary refund computations and therefore you may not add, remove, or alter the values in the Refund Policy Glossary Table. These values are the following:

One of these values must be supplied when setting up Refund Groups in Registration >Offerings >Setup >Tuition and Refunds >Refund Groups.

Note: Only Standard Plus Refund Policy will allow an Official course to be dropped or withdrawn in the Portals depending on the dates set for each in the Standard Plus Refund Policy. For all other Refund Policies, only Official courses may be withdrawn in the Portals. Unofficially registered courses may not be withdrawn and may only be dropped when using any Refund Policy.