Student FERPA

This allows you to determine whether various FERPA items (FERPA Items Glossary table) such as work phone, cell phone, street address, etc. are displayed. In compliance with FERPA law, CAMS provides a field which can be used to determine to whom the specified item may be released. Regardless whether the item is chosen for display on a student directory or not, CAMS will generate an alert that shows each item selected, along with who the student gives permission to view that item.

To Create a FERPA Alert:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Student >Add orChange Student >More tab >FERPA button. Any FERPA alerts associated with the student display in the grid.
  2. Right-click in the grid to create a new FERPA alert. The Student FERPA detail window opens.
  3. Select the item from the FERPA Item drop-down list (FERPA Items Glossary table) that the student has indicated should not display on the directory.
  4. Click the Allow Display checkbox to remove the default of "allow" to indicate that the student does not want the item to display on the directory.
  5. In the Allowed Recipients field, indicate the individuals who the student designates to view the item.
  6. Repeat steps 3 through 5 as necessary until all items the student wants to designate have been indicated. When the alert displays, the FERPA list will contain all items that have been indicated, whether or not the items are permitted to display, and who may receive that information.

To Remove a FERPA Alert:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Student >Add orChange Student >More tab >FERPA button. Any FERPA alerts associated with the student display in the grid.
  2. Highlight the appropriate FERPA item you wish to remove from the alert, and then click Delete. If all items are removed from the data grid, the alert will cease to display provided the Show on Directory field on the student information page is set to "Yes". If Show on Directory is set to no, the alert will still display with "Do not publish student information" displayed.