Student Ethnicity

Student demographic information, including ethnicity, is commonly collected in an IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data) Report. This report accesses the student's ethnicity information from the Ethnicity page of the Student Admissions Information.

To record a student's ethnicity:

  1. Go to the CAMS Enterprise Home Page >Admissions >Student >Change Student. The Student Admissions Information window will open with the Admin. 1 tab displayed. Click the More tab, and then click the Ethnicity button.
  2. Right-click on the data grid to add an ethnicity.
  3. Click the appropriate ethnicity. For multi-ethnic individuals, press the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking each appropriate ethnicity.
  4. Click Select to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: Ethnicity values are set at CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Glossary Table tab >Origins.

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