College Names

The College Lookup window is one of the few reference tables accessible for maintenance through the Admissions module. This table stores college information.

To Add New College Entry Or Maintain An Existing Entry:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Lookups >College Names.
  2. Use the search criteria to locate an existing entry for maintenance or to simply confirm that the listing does not already exist.
  3. Right-click in the Colleges data grid to open a new college entry form.
  4. Enter school information, including the required College Name.

Note: If the Active field is set to No then the college will not be displayed in the college list.

  1. Select Yes or No to indicate whether the record is active.
  2. Click Add to save this information, or Cancel to exit without saving.
  3. To delete a college, highlight the row in the Colleges grid then click Delete.

Note: A college cannot be deleted if it has been used anywhere in CAMS.

College Codes

Multiple college codes can be associated with each college in the grid. The following types of college codes can be added once for each college.

To Add College Codes:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Admissions >Lookups >College Names.
  2. Use the search criteria to locate an existing entry.
  3. Select the row in the top grid for the entry to which you wish to add a college code. Any existing codes associated with the selected college will display in the bottom grid.
  4. Select the Code Type from the drop-down.

Note: Multiple codes may be added for a college, however each Code Type may be used only once for any college entry..

  1. Enter the Code.
  2. Click Add to save or Cancel to exit without saving.
  3. To delete a code associated with a college, highlight the row in the Codes grid then click Delete.

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