Post to General Ledger

Moving transactions from CAMS to your accounting program is a very simple process within the Billing module. This Posting process can be performed at any interval your institution requires (i.e. monthly, weekly, daily). Transactions in both the Billing and Non-Billing ledgers will be posted. Upon performing this process, CAMS will generate an export file ready to be imported directly into your General Ledger program.

To post to the General Ledger:

  1. Open the Billing Accounting Post Options window by clicking Billing >Billing Accounting >Post Options >Post General Ledger.
  2. Supply appropriate data in the General Ledger Post Options form:
  1. Enter a term value to indicate which transactions should be included in the posting. All transactions up to and including the term entered will be included.
  2. The posting can be further limited by defining a transaction date range (optional).
  3. Enter the General Ledger Post Date. The default for this field is the current date.
  4. The Output Path is automatically populated based on the entries in the CAMS Configuration form for General Ledger Path and File name. With this in mind, you will either want to move the file to another location or import it into your GL program immediately after running the posting process in CAMS. Each time the posting process is run, CAMS will send and name the file according to the set configuration and thus overwrite any existing file with the same name. Furthermore, it is recommended that one person be designated as the one responsible for this process to avoid confusion.
  5. Enter Comment (required field). This field is used to describe the post itself (or posting criteria) such as Transactions through FA-03, January 2003 Month End, etc.
  1. Click Process. A text file is automatically generated and saved in the previously designated location and ready to be brought in to your General Ledger program. The Posting Information is displayed in list format and if desired, you can export the file to one of the following formats: ASCII, Excel, Report, or XML. Otherwise, click Back to return to the Posting Options form.

NOTE: There is not an "UNDO" process when performing a posting to the General Ledger. Upon clicking the Process button, transactions are marked as posted and the posting file generated.

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