Batch Distribution

The process of moving the transactions within a billing batch to the student ledgers is called Distributing. Prior to distributing batches, you will wish to print an edit list. The edit list displays all transactions in the batch, providing you with the opportunity to make changes as necessary before distributing to the student ledgers.

To distribute a batch:

  1. Open the Billing Batch window by clicking Billing >Batch.
  2. Determine which batch will be distributed and highlight that batch in the data grid.
  3. It is highly recommended that you first print an edit list to verify the accuracy of the batch entries. Do so by clicking the Print button in the Billing Batch window. Use this edit list to proof the entries made to the batch.
  4. Return to the batch listing by clicking the Batches tab.
  5. Provided you are satisfied with the batch entries, click Distribute. Notice that the Batch Name and Comment (description) are automatically populated based on entries previously made.
  6. If you choose to distribute the transactions of a single student rather than the entire batch, select that student (optional).
  7. Select term of the transactions you wish to distribute. For instance, you may have transactions for two terms in the Registration Batch, but only wish to distribute current term transactions to the Student Ledger. In this case you would simply enter the current term (optional). Leaving this field blank will result in transactions of all terms being distributed.
  8. Use the Distribute to Transaction Date field to indicate the effective ledger date for the transactions being distributed (optional). If you leave this field blank, the original transaction date will be the effective ledger date.
  9. Select a Campus to distribute transactions only for students in that Campus (optional). If selecting a campus, the Distribute in Term field is also required. Students must have the selected Campus and Term in a Registration Status record to distribute the transactions.
  10. Select one or more AR Type(s) to distribute only transactions with those AR Types.
  11. Click Distribute. You will be prompted to confirm the batch distribution. This is your last chance to cancel the process. Once "OK" is selected the data is immediately updated to the student records. All transactions will now appear in their appropriate ledgers.
  12. Click OK to confirm the distribution of the batch or Cancel to discontinue the process. All transactions will now appear in their appropriate ledgers.

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