Billing Setup TransDocs

Particular lookup tables are instrumental in the successful flow of transactions through the Billing module and on to the General Ledger, as applicable. The TransDoc reference table is comprised of multiple values including some subordinate lookup tables. As part of the Billing setup process, you will want to work with the CAMS Manager in populating the appropriate Glossary and Reference tables necessary to complete the TransDoc reference table.

TransDocs serve as the pipelines that CAMS uses to automate the flow of monies through the application. These pipes provide various definitions that make accounting processes efficient (account numbers, posting options, etc.). TransDoc is a Reference table found in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Transaction Documents.

Note: A semaphore lock is created for the first user opening the TransDoc window; subsequent users opening this window will have read-only access. The first user must close the window before another user may open it with Read-Write access.

Select optional Filter Criteria then click Filter to display only those TransDocs that meet that criteria. Right-click in the grid to create a new TransDoc or double-click to modify an existing TransDoc.

Note: In order to maintain proper auditing for General Ledger posting, the Account Number and Opposing Account fields CANNOT be modified for any TransDoc where transactions have been posted to the General Ledger for that TransDoc.

If using QuickBooks as your GL program, the CAMS Account Number and Opposing Account fields must be populated with the QuickBooks Account Name. QuickBooks account name and subaccount name must be separated by the delimiter specified for your version of QuickBooks (such as a colon).

If using SunPlus as your GL program, leaving either the Account Number or Opposing Account field blank will insert the StudentID in place of that blank field when posting. If both fields are left blank, transactions using that TransDoc will not post.

Note: If using QuickBooks as your GL program, the CAMS AR Type must be populated with the QuickBooks TRANSTYPE specified for your version of QuickBooks.

Note: The 1098 process checks ONLY these 1098-related fields to determine whether transactions will be included in 1098-T reporting. Only ONE box should be checked for any TransDoc.
          The Unit4 support team will not give tax advice on filling out the 1098-T form; please seek a professional tax expert to ensure accuracies in reporting.