Contact Maintenance

Track all contacts for your institution as well as student specific contacts. To maintain an overall institutional list, use the Contact Maintenance window accessed through Admissions (Admissions >Contacts >Add/Change). If you want to add a contact to a student record, you need to access the Student Contacts entry form through Student Admissions (Admissions >Student >Change/Add Student >More tab >Contacts).

To add a contact through the Contact Maintenance window:

  1. Click Admissions >Contacts >Add/Change.
  2. If maintaining an existing contact, use the select filters to locate that contact. If this is a new contact, click Add to open a new detail entry form.

Note: In an effort to eliminate the duplication of entries, it is recommended that prior to adding a new record, you check the list of existing contacts to make sure it has not already been entered.

  1. Select the Contact Type (Glossary: Contact Primary Type), required.
  2. Enter contact data.

Note: In Financial Aid some direct loans such as the PLUS loan and the ALT loan use Contact information to populate the Borrower record required for integration with COD. All address data is required, as well as Birth Date, Country of Citizenship, and Social Security Number. SSN is entered via the Tax ID field, and does not require dashes.

  1. Set the Campus (default Main) if you want to have different currencies for each Campus display in Billing Statements and Billing Batch Edit List. The Campus currency is set in the Campuses Reference Lookup table.
  2. Click the "X" to Close and Save the record or Cancel to exit without saving.

To change a Contact

  1. Double-click on the contact listing to be changed.
  2. Make appropriate changes.
  3. Click Update to save changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

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