Transfer Constituents

Use the Add Constituents window to mass transfer information for groups of students, contacts, or faculty to the Development module. Students may be selected based on registration, graduation, and/or degree parameters. Contacts may be selected from criteria based on name, address, and/or type parameters. Faculty may be selected from criteria based on name, department, and/or campus parameters.

To perform a transfer:

  1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Development >Constituent >Transfer to open the Add Constituents window.
  2. Click the appropriate Load from option (Students, Contacts, or Faculty). The option selected displays the associated selection parameters.
  3. Click the appropriate Load type option (Single or Multiple). If Single is selected, click the search icon to access the selection window for the Load from option.  
  4. If the Load from and Load type are Students, Multiple, then select the appropriate registration, graduation, and/or degree parameters.
  5. If transferring students, you may also have CAMS create a new donor record for each of the contacts associated with the student by placing a checkmark next to Add contact as new donor.  
  6. Click Find. CAMS locates all records that match the selected criteria and displays them in a data grid. If you chose to have CAMS create new donor records for Contacts associated with Students, they will be displayed in a data grid below the Student names. Highlight each student name to display the Contacts associated with that student.
  7. Click Transfer to transfer the selected records to the Development module.

Note: If a record is altered in another module, you may wish to use the Re-transfer option to ensure the change is reflected in the Development module as well.  

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