VSE Report

The CAMS VSE Report, available from Development >Reports >Ledger BYOR, will display the data required for Section 3 of the VSE survey for those institutions who participate in CAE's (Council for Aid to Education) Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) survey. Another level of categorization, Campaign Category (Glossary: Campaign Category), is utilized in Campaign Maintenance in order to facilitate this. Any number of Campaigns may be assigned to a Campaign Category.

In order for gifts to be reported as restricted for a Campaign in the CAMS VSE Report the Campaign must be assigned a Campaign Category, a Campaign Type, and the gifts Restriction Type must be Restricted.

The CAMS VSE Report will display all gifts that do not have a Restriction Type of Restricted in the Unrestricted row of the report for each Donor Type selected in the criteria.

Some specific setup is required in order to produce accurate data in the CAMS VSE Report to display the data required for the VSE survey. Each campaign to be included in this report for the VSE survey must have the correct Campaign Type (for example Current Operations or Capital Purposes) and Campaign Category (for example Academic or Athletics, etc.) assigned to it. Each constituent will need to have the correct Donor Type (for example Alumni or Foundations, etc.) assigned to their Constituent Profile.

To generate the VSE report:

  1. Open the Development Ledger BYOR by clicking Development >Reports >Ledger BYOR.
  2. On the Ledger tab, select the Gift Date From and Gift Date To. This would typically be the fiscal year for which you are completing the VSE survey.
  3. Select the Record Type you wish to use for the report.
  4. Select the Campaign Category (or Categories) you wish to use for the report.
  5. On the Donor tab, select the Donor Type(s) to be reported.
  6. On the Report tab, select VSE Report and click Print. The VSE Report displays.