Matching Gifts

Matching Gifts refers to a situation where an employer donates (or "matches") a gift given by an employee.  The gift is usually a percentage of the gift donated by the employee.    

In order for Matching Gifts to be generated, the following MUST be in place:

  1. The employer (constituent) must have a constituent record with an Account Type of "Corporation" (Development >Constituent >Constituent Profile >Constituent Profile Page 1).
  2. The employer (constituent) must have the Allows Matching Gifts option set to "Yes" and have the Matching Percent, Matching Minimum Gift amount, and Matching Maximum Gift amount defined (Development >Constituent >Constituent Profile >Constituent Profile Page 2).
  3. The employee (constituent) must have an Account Type of anything OTHER than "Corporation" (Development  >Constituent >Constituent Profile >Constituent Profile Page 1).
  4. The employee (constituent) must have the employer attached to his record, with the Matching Gift option set to "Yes" (Development >Constituent >Constituent Profile >More >Employment link).
  5. The employee makes a donation which is at least the minimum amount, and not more than the maximum amount as defined by the employer.

Once all of the above have been established, then the Update Matching Gifts process can be run to apply matching gifts (Development >Update >Matching Gifts).  This process calculates all matching gifts and transfers them to a Matching Gifts batch (Development >Batch).

To generate Matching Gifts:

  1. Access the Matching Gifts window by clicking Development >Update >Matching Gifts.
  2. Select a Pledge Source, if desired.
  3. If you want to send Reminder or Thank You letters, click Yes as appropriate.
  4. Click Update to process matching gifts.  A message displays to confirm the success of the process, and all matching gifts are transferred to a batch.

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