Document Tracking Setup

Creating Document Groups

Create Document Tracking Groups in order to define Document Sequences by group. Applying a sequence of documents based on a particular group is beneficial in that you will not need to add each document to the Prospect or Student record individually. Prior to creating the groups, it will be necessary to populate two glossary categories in the CAMS Manager module:

Note: You can create as many groupings, or sequences, of documents as your institution requires.

To Create Documents:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >DocTrack Setup. The Doc Track Setup window opens with the Basic tab displayed.
  2. Document Locations correspond directly to the CAMS Enterprise modules and must be named exactly as the module name in order for documents linked to the Document Location to display in that module. Current CAMS module locations are already defined and cannot be deleted. Creating new locations is not recommended as the business logic required to utilize the location is not automatically added to user-created Document Locations.
  3. In the Documents grid, double-click an existing document to modify or right-click to add a new document. The document detail window opens.
  4. Enter the Document Name (required).
  5. The Description entered here will automatically display as the Description for the document when it is added to a student’s Document Tracking.
  6. Use the Display Order to determine the order in which the values from 0 to n will appear in the drop-down list.
  7. Enter the State Reporting Code and ISO Code if required.
  8. Select a Location to restrict a document to that location or module only. Documents with a blank Location will be available to be assigned to students in all modules.

Note: Documents assigned to students from within a Module may only be viewed from that Module's Document Tracking window.

  1. Select the Default Status that will display when adding a single document or adding this document from within a sequence.
  2. Documents can be marked inactive by removing the check mark in the box next to Active Flag. Only active documents will be available to users when adding a Document Tracking item. All documents will be available for reporting criteria.
  3. Place a check mark next to Internal if this document is always an internal document. Internal documents may only be viewed and reported on from within CAMS Enterprise and cannot be viewed from the Student Portal.
  4. Check Default Display Image in Portal if attached images should display in the portal. This will eliminate an extra step when applying the document to the student record and can be changed when adding the Document Tracking item if necessary.
  5. Click Add to save the new record or Cancel to exit without saving.
  6. Repeat these steps for each document you wish to add.
  7. To delete a document, highlight the row in the Documents grid, then click Delete Document. Documents cannot be deleted if it is used in a student record or in a Document Sequence.

Note: When modifying an existing document entry, CAMS will check to see if the document is used by any document sequences already defined. If so, you will receive a prompt asking if CAMS should update any of the related fields, such as Internal or Active, to match that of the modified document entry. Click Yes to update the documents already defined in a sequence or No to not update existing records. Regardless of whether you opt to update existing sequence documents or not, your changes to the current document entry will be saved.

Note: To generate the SSI files, click the Generate hot spot at any time or simply close the window with the X after changes have been made.

To Create Document Sequence Groups:

Sequence Groups by default are not location specific. Group Names can be any text up to 50 characters and are used as a grouping mechanism to add documents to a Sequence Group. Mapped Sequences are a means to set up only specific document sequence groups by location. If a particular module has no defined Mapped Sequenced, then all Sequence Groups will be available to that module when loading a sequence of documents to a student record.

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >DocTrack Setup. The Doc Track Setup window opens with the Basic tab displayed. Click the Seq Groups tab.
  2. In the Sequence Groups data grid double-click an existing group to modify or right-click to add a new group. The group detail window opens.
  3. Enter the Group Name (required) and a Description.
  4. Enter the State Reporting Code and ISO Code if required.
  5. Use the Display Order to determine the order in which the values from 0 to n will appear in the drop-down list.
  6. Click Add to save the new record or Cancel to exit without saving.
  7. Repeat these steps for each Sequence Group you wish to add.
  8. To delete a Sequence Group, highlight the row in the grid, then click Delete Group. Document Groups cannot be deleted if they are linked to a Mapped Sequence or are used in a Document Sequence.
  9. To add a Sequence Group to a Mapped Sequence, right-click in the Mapped Sequence grid to access the detail entry form.
  10. Select the Location and Document Group from the drop-downs.
  11. Any documents added to this Mapped Sequence will be available only for the Location to which it is mapped.
  12. To delete a Mapped Sequence, highlight the row in the Mapped Sequences grid, then click Delete Seq Map.

To Create Document Sequences:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >DocTrack Setup. The Doc Track Setup window opens with the Basic tab displayed. Click the Sequences tab.
  2. The Sequences tab contains a single data grid which by default shows all documents in all Sequence Groups. Select a group in the Filter To Group drop-down to display only those documents in the selected group. You must select a group prior to adding or modifying a document defined in that group.
  3. To modify or add a document to a Sequence group, select the group from the Filter To Group drop-down.
  4. Double-click an existing document to modify or right-click to add a new document. The document detail window opens.
  5. The Group field is automatically populated for the group selected.
  6. The Show Documents From Location drop-down defaults to a blank value allowing you to select from ALL active documents in the Document Name drop-down. Select any value in the Show Documents From Location to list only active documents defined with that default location and any document names that have no default location defined. Documents from any defined Location may be added to any Sequence Group.
  7. Select the default status (Glossary: Doc Status) for the document. For instance, if the document always starts as incomplete, then mark it as such for the default. This will eliminate an extra step when applying the document requirement to the student record.
  8. Optionally, enter the number of days from the start date for which time this document is due. The due date will be automatically calculated based on the start date entered at the time of loading a Document Sequence.
  9. Click Add to save the new record or Cancel to exit without saving.
  10. Repeat these steps for each document you wish to add to the Sequence group.

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