ISIR Custom Import

By default, CAMS Enterprise imports the first 333 positions of the import file. These equate to the fields on a student’s Financial Aid Maintenance screen, ISIR tab pages 1 and 2.

If additional fields need to be imported then any positions after 333 need to be designated in the Custom ISIR Import Setup form.

Note: For fields to be listed after 333 you must export those fields from EDE so they are available in the file. Then you must determine where each field starts and ends in the file to be able to set up the Custom ISIR import.

Custom ISIR Fields that are imported are displayed on the student’s Maintenance screen, ISIR tab, in the lower data grid

Import Custom ISIR Fields

  1. From CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Tools >Import >Financial Aid >ISIR Custom Setup. The Custom ISIR Import Setup page displays. The first tab is the Default Layout tab and it is for reference only. It displays those fields that are imported using the first 205 positions. It does not display any data and cannot be modified.
  2. Click the Custom tab. The Custom Layout window displays.
  3. Right click in the data grid to create a new import field or double click an existing entry to edit.
  4. Determine what position in the import file the desired field starts and what position it ends. The first custom imported field will start at position 334.
  5. Enter the Start Position, which is where the field starts in the file.
  6. Enter the End Position, which is where the field ends in the file.
  7. Select the Field name. This field is populated from the FinISIRFieldName glossary table.
  8. Select the Data Type. Available types are Date, Integer, Money, Real, and VarChar.
  9. Select Effects Need to have Need and Remaining Need changed during the ISIR import by the value for this field in the ISIR file. The Data Type must be Money for this custom field if Effects Need is checked
  10. Click Update or OK to save the record or Cancel to exit without saving changes.
  11. Add additional fields are necessary.

Test Custom ISIR Import

After the custom fields are created test the ISIR import.

  1. Click the Test Import tab.
  2. Browse to the EDE ISIR import file. You must use a UNC path. Click Initiate. This process may take a couple of minutes. The top data grid displays those students who have matched records in CAMS Enterprise along with their ISIR data that will be imported.
  3. To verify that the custom fields are importing correctly scroll to the right and check the last columns after the EnrolledGradProf field. These are the fields starting at position 334 in the data file.
  4. Ensure that the data looks correct. If it does not look correct check that the start and end positions of each field are accurate and then retest.
  5. Click Test Format Conversion. This will convert the fields to their selected data type to verify that they will import correctly. For instance, a date field imported as "20050101" would be converted to "Jan 1 2005".
  6. If the field displays the word "Null", this could mean that the data was not in the correct format for the data type selected, or that there was nothing to import for that field. Verify that the Data Type is correct.

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