Multiple Student Packaging

Financial Aid awards can be packaged for single students or multiple students simultaneously. During the process of awarding these students through the packaging process, a financial aid status record will be created and predefined award sequences and individual awards will be assigned. If a student's financial aid awards are packaged for the year under a single financial aid status record, all the awards for that package will display in the student portal under their financial aid section. For example, if a student was packaged and received an award for $2000 dollars split 50/50 over FA-10 and SP-11, they will see both awards for both terms from the student portal in the FA-10 term.

The process of packaging multiple students includes the following:

Select Group of Students:

  1. Open the Multiple Student Packaging window by clicking Financial Aid >Packaging >Multiple.
  2. Select desired Financial Status Criteria and the Registration Criteria.

Note: If criteria is selected from the Financial Status section, the Academic Year and Financial Aid Year must be selected. Without this, the student selection can not be based on any Financial Aid Status criteria. If criteria is selected from the Registration Criteria section, the Registered Term must be provided.

  1. From the Criteria 2 tab, select the Admission criteria as desired and click Initiate. All students matching the criteria selected will be listed on the Selected Students window. The next step is to Select the packages/awards to assign.

Select Packages/Awards:

  1. Click the Package tab to access the Packaging Criteria page.
  2. Financial Status Records:
  1. The Academic Year, Financial Aid Year, and Packaged as Load values must be provided. These values are used to identify the proper Financial Aid Calendar to be used in the assigning of awards.
  2. (Optional) Select the Direct Cost Type to be used. The Cost Type value comes from the FINAID Direct Costs Glossary table. The actual cost or budget setup is accomplished in Yearly Setup, Defining Budget Costs.
  3. (Optional) Select the Package Status. This value comes from the FINAID Glossary table.

NOTE: The values selected in Financial Status Records section are used to update/create Financial Aid Student Status records. If Direct Cost Type and Package Status are left blank during this packaging process, then these two fields will not be modified in the student's record.

  1. Financial Aid Calendar: This is populated based on the Academic Year and Financial Aid Year that was selected in the previous step. It is for viewing purposes only and cannot be modified.
  2. PELL Awards: If you wish to assign PELL Awards, click Yes and select the proper Award Type from the Award Reference table. PELL processing uses Package Load defined on this page and Cost of Attendance recorded on the student's Financial Status Record.
  3. Award Sequence: To assign a group of awards, click Yes in this section and select the Award Sequence from the drop down list. The values are derived from the setup of Award Sequences.
  4. Individual Award:
  1. Click Yes in this section to assign a single award to multiple students.
  2. Select the desired award from the Award Reference table.
  3. Enter the award amount.

Process Packaging:

After students have been selected and awards defined, the next step is to process the awards.

  1. In the Packaging Criteria window, click Get Awards button at the bottom of the window. All awards for the students meeting the selection criteria will be displayed in the Reports/Import tab.
  2. If you wish to process awards for specific terms only, select the appropriate terms from the Remove Awards not in the following terms field and then click the Pre-Process Awards button. A confirmation message displays. Click Yes to continue. If awards are not assigned for the selected terms, they are removed from the data grid and will not be processed.
  3. Select either Over Write current award totals if you wish to overwrite existing award totals in the students' award ledgers, or click Add as new awards if you wish to add these awards as new and keep existing award totals. One of these two options is required.
  4. Click Print to view a Student Packaging Report. Use this report as an edit list to review prior to completing the packaging process.
  5. Click Process Awards. A prompt will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to add these awards to the student financial aid ledgers. Upon clicking Yes, awards will be placed in the Financial Aid ledgers.

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