NSC After Initializing Term

You can run the NLSC Export option anytime you want to verify the data.  This will help ensure that when it is time to report to the National Student Clearinghouse your data will be up-to-date and correct.

Warning: If this is not the first time you are running this option for the specific term you must ensure that Re-Initialize Report (Done at Start of Term) is unchecked.

Also, ensure that you run the Mass Student Update daily. If there are students that you have manually changed information and want that information to be retained for reporting then you must change the Classification field in the Student Status window to Unclassified.  This will prevent this student from being updated when running Mass Student Update.

You can report on graduate students only when running the NSC Export option from Tools >Export >Financial Aid >NSC Export. By selecting the Graduates file checkbox. The results will only be students with an NSC Enrollment Status of G. Ensure you review the NSC documentation to ensure your graduate students are marked correctly. You should only select this option after you initialize the term for the first time.

When everything is correct you can click Export to export the data file that is needed by NSC. After clicking Export the Save button will become active.

Click Save to ensure CAMS Enterprise saves the information for future term reporting.

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