NSC Graduate Students

For graduate students to be marked as ‘G’ they must have additional fields filled in.

From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Registration >Academic >Degrees. The student's degree window opens.

On the student’s degree window Degree Earned, Transfer Degree and Expected Grad Term are used to determine NSC data. You will need to ensure that these fields are manually filled-in correctly. The Expected Grad Term must be the actual term they graduated in.

If the Anticipated Grad Date (AGD) is left blank CAMS Enterprise will set the AGD based a calculation of the Student College Level and the Term End Date. For Freshman CAMS will add 4 years to the Term End Date as the AGD; for Sophomore, CAMS will add 3 years to the Term End Date; for Junior 2 years will be added; for Senior one year will be added. This date will only display on the report/file for NSC but will not populate the field in CAMS.

If there are multiple unearned, non-transfer Degrees for the student, CAMS will use the Degree with the earliest Anticipated Grad Date.

If Transfer Degree is set to yes then CAMS Enterprise will assume the student has not graduated from your institution.

When running a NSC Export graduate students will show up as ‘G’ if you are reporting on a term immediately after the student graduated and the above information is filled in for the previous term.

If the student graduated in a Spring term and you are using a Summer term as the reporting term, ensure that Standard Report (Summer Term/Grad only = No) is set to NO.

You can report on graduate students only when running the NSC Export option from Tools >Export >Financial Aid >NSC Export. By selecting the Graduates file checkbox, the results will only be students with an NSC Enrollment Status of G. Ensure you review the NSC documentation to ensure your graduate students are marked correctly.

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