Load Pell Schedule

Note: Award Methodology uses Pell Schedule prior to 2024-2025 academic year.

In order to use automated processing of Pell awards, it is necessary to update and maintain the PellSchedule table.

The Pell award table can be exported from EDExpress. However you obtain your Pell award table you will need to ensure that it is in the correct format for importing into CAMS via this process.

When changes occur in the Pell Table you will need to repeat these processes to ensure that your PellSchedule table is up-to-date. CAMS Enterprise does not automatically update the PellSchedule table or notify you if there are changes to Federal Pell Grant Program.

EDExpress may be downloaded from the Federal Student Aid (FSA) Download site located at https://www.fsadownload.ed.gov/software.htm.

Export Pell Award Table from EDExpress

You can export Pell award table, tbl_P_Pell, to a text file from the EDExpress MDB file using MS Access. If a password is requested when opening the MDB file, use the password provided in the EDExpress help files. This file is typically located at the C:\IAM\Database folder on the computer where you have EDExpress installed. If you chose to install EDExpress at a different location on your hard drive, you will find the MDB file in that location.

Note: It is recommended that you copy the database file to another location, then export the tbl_P_Pell from that copy in order to ensure you do not accidentally convert the database file from the version of Access it is created with to the version of Access you may be using.

Export the tbl_P_Pell table as a comma delimited text file with double-quotation mark as the Text Qualifier.

Do NOT select the MS Access option to “Export data with formatting and layout” or “Include Field Names on First Row”. You may save this file in any location where you have access to in order to then import it into CAMS.

Loading the Pell Award Table

Once tbl_P_Pell has been exported from the EDExpress MDB file you may import it into CAMS.

To Load Pell Schedule:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Financial Aid >Setup >Load Pell to open the Load tbl_P_Pell window to the Step 1 tab.
  2. Click Browse to open the “Choose File to Upload” window. Locate and highlight the tbl_P_Pell.txt file then click Open.

Note: This text file can be at any location where you have access such as your local hard drive or a network share.

  1. Click Upload Document. The file is uploaded to a working location on the CAMS Enterprise server, text displays indicating the file being used preceded by the CAMS user login name, and the Parse Pell File button displays.
  2. Click Parse Pell File. The text file may take several minutes to parse and load into a temporary SQL table. Once the text file is parsed, the window will automatically change to the Step 2 tab.
  1. Select the Academic Year and one or more Financial Aid Years in which to load the Pell Schedule.
  2. Click Load Pell Schedule Table. The Pell Schedule will be loaded to the Academic Year/Financial Aid Year(s) selected and you are taken to the Step 3 tab. Select the Academic Year and Financial Aid Year then click Find to view the Pell Schedule that has been loaded.

Note: Loading the Pell Schedule table will replace the data that is currently in the table. This allows you to repopulate the Pell Schedule table at any time the Department of Education makes changes to the Pell Schedule in a subsequent version of EDExpress.

  1. If desired, you may page through the Pell Schedule records which are displayed 100 rows per page in the grid. Click Next or enter a page number in the page field then tab out of the field to change to that specific page.
  2. Select a different Academic Year and/or Financial Aid Year then click Find to view the Pell Schedule for that Academic and Financial Aid Year.

To View Current Pell Schedule Records:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Financial Aid >Setup >Load Pell to open the Load tbl_P_Pell window to the Step 1 tab.
  2. Click the Step 3 tab.
  3. Select the Academic Year and Financial Aid Year for which you wish to view the currently loaded Pell Schedule records.
  4. Click Find. The grid populates with the Pell Schedule records for the Academic Year/Financial Aid Year selected.
  5. You may page through the Pell Schedule records, which are displayed 100 rows per page in the grid. Click Next or enter a page number in the page field then tab out of the field to change to that specific page.
  6. Select a different Academic Year and/or Financial Aid Year then click Find to view the Pell Schedule for that Academic and Financial Aid Year.

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