Mass Housing Charges

Use the Mass Housing Charges functionality to assess housing or incident fines for a group of students based on criteria selected, such as building and room numbers. For example, if damages were caused on the second floor of a dormitory, fines for this damage could be applied to all students housed on that floor at one time. This process creates a billing batch with the appropriate charges/fines included.

To apply mass housing charges:

  1. To access the Mass Housing Charges window from the CAMS Enterprise Home page click Tools >Processes >Housing. The Criteria tab of the Mass Housing Charges window displays.
  2. Select the appropriate criteria to narrow the list of returned matches. For example, use the Term, Building, and Rooms fields to get a list of students housed in a certain building and rooms if you want to charge a fine for damage done in a common area of the building.
  3. Click Initiate to get a list of all records that match the criteria selected.
  4. Click Export to export the list in .txt format, or Transfer to create a transfer batch for these charges. You may export first and then transfer if desired.
  5. Clicking Transfer displays the Batch Comment field, required and the Effective Transaction Date, required. Populate the required information and then click Transfer. Upon completion a confirmation message “Transfer successful” displays. The transferred charges are now available in Billing >Batch.

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