Online Payments PayPal Website Payments Standard

PayPal Website Payments Standard version setup allows applicants and students to make credit card payments via the Application, Graduate Application, and Student portals. PayPal uses page redirection and does not require that Web Services be used for your portals.

You will need to select PayPal as the Online Payment Vendor and enter the two Online Payment Parameters in the bottom data grid by right-clicking in the grid then enter the Identifier and Value. For the Identifier, use lower case and for the Text Value, use upper case as shown below.

CAMS Enterprise does not record a transaction for PayPal because PayPal does not send back a confirmation after the payment is made. You will receive notification through your PayPal account.

Note: When using PayPal with the Application Portal, as PayPal does not send back confirmation after payment is made, Application Portal Configuration should NOT be configured to “Force Online Payment Prior to Submitting New Application”. Since no transaction can be recorded in the database, CAMS will not recognize that a payment has been made and the applicant will not be able to submit the application.

PayPal Online Payment Set Up:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >CAMS Portal >Portal Configuration >Payment Configuration. The Payment Configuration window opens with the Student tab selected.
  2. Do NOT select Authorize After Payment. Since PayPal Website Payments Standard version does not send back a confirmation, CAMS cannot authorize upon confirmation of the payment.
  3. The Username and Password fields are not used with this provider.
  4. Right-click in the bottom data grid to enter each of the following parameters:
  1. Identifier: business; Value: <Your PayPal provided email address>
  2. Identifier: currency_code; Value: USD

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