Online Payments U.S. Bankā„¢ Setup

To Set Up U.S. Bank Online Payment

You will need to select U.S. Bank as the Online Payment Vendor and enter TransDocs, if desired, and the four Online Payment Parameters as shown below. The Tuition TransDoc is determined by the TransDoc selected for the On Line Tuition Payment TransDoc drop-down in the Campuses reference Lookup table.

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, select CAMS Manager >CAMS Portal >Portal Configuration >Payment Configuration. The Online Payment Configuration screen opens with the Student tab selected.
  2. Select Authorize After Payment if students should be authorized and moved to Official Registration after a payment is made.
  3. Select U.S. Bank from the Online Payment Vendor drop-down.
  4. Enter the Username and Password for the account.
  5. In the upper data grid right-click to add additional TransDocs that will be used for payments other than tuition. The tuition TransDoc is determined by the TransDoc selected for the On Line Tuition Payment TransDoc drop-down in the Campuses reference Lookup table.
  6. Create the four parameters (provided by U.S. Bank) and enter their values in the lower data grid:

The ReturnURL parameter must be the external URL that points to USBankBillingRecord.asp page located in the CAMSEnterprise directory. This is the page that records the transaction in CAMS Enterprise when the student returns from the U.S. Bank payment center. Payment is done by redirecting the student to a U.S. Bank website where they make a payment, and then return.

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