Prospect Interests

Prospect Interests are recorded in a two-tiered format: category, then item. Your CAMS Manager should have placed the values recorded by your institution into these two glossary tables.

To add new interest:

  1. Right-click in the interests data grid.
  2. The date will default to the current date. If a different date is desired, enter that date directly in the date field or use the drop-down calendar.
  3. Select Category (Glossary: Category) and Interest (Glossary: Interest).
  4. Click OK to save changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

To change existing entry:

  1. Double-click on record to be changed.
  2. Make appropriate modifications.
  3. Click Update to save changes or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: Interests can be automatically transferred from prospect to student records when creating a student record via the Load Prospect process.

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