Prospect Other

Here you can enter prospect demographic information, add an organization, and collect SEVIS information. Many institutions use the demographic information to help them build strategies for their recruiting efforts.

Gender – Prospect’s gender.

Birth Date –  Prospect’s date of birth.

Birth City – City that the prospect was born in.

Birth Country – (Glossary: Country Codes). Country where the prospect was born.

Birth County – County where the prospect was born in.

Birth State – State the prospect was born in.

Resident State – State the prospect is considered a resident of. May not be the state the institution is located.

Resident County – County the prospect is considered a resident of. May not be the county the institution is located.

Maiden Name – Prospect’s maiden name.

U.S. Citizen – Is the prospect a U.S. citizen?

Although some SEVIS information for non U.S. citizens can be entered here additional SEVIS information can be entered when the prospect becomes an applicant or student.

Permanent U.S. Resident – Does the prospect have permanent resident status?

Alien ID Number – What is the prospect’s alien ID number?

Visa Type – Prospect’s visa type.

Visa Expiration Date – Date the visa expires.

Home Language – What is the prospect’s native language?

Veteran – Select Yes or No to indicate the Prospect's military status.

In-House Ethnicity – (Glossary: Origins). Only the value entered in In-House Ethnicity is used when reporting Student ethnicity for IPEDS. Multiple ethnicities may be recorded for a prospect (for example, a biracial student) through the Ethnicity screen available on the More tab of Prospect Maintenance window. Options available for both In-House Ethnicity and ethnicity for IPEDS are pulled from the CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Glossary Table >Origins table.

Select the Is Hispanic/Latino check box to display a drop-down where further definition by Hispanic Origin can be selected. The drop-down values are maintained in CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >State Reports Lookup.

Ethnic Group – What is the prospect’s ethnic group?

Religion – What is the prospect’s religion?

Church – Can be used several ways; what church does the prospect attend, what church referred them, etc.

Previously Applied – Has the prospect previously applied to the institution?

Applied for Term – If the prospect previously applied what term did they apply for?

Extra Activity – What type of extracurricular activity is the prospect interested in. Additional extracurricular activity can be kept on the Interests tab of the prospect record.

Exp. Cohort Group – What cohort group is the prospect expected to belong to?

Military – (Glossary: Military) Select the Prospects branch of military served.

Resident Country - (Glossary: Country Codes) Country where the Prospect resides.

Is Employed – Check this to indicate the Prospect is employed. When the Prospect record is loaded to Student, the setting here will carry over to the Student Demographics tab. When merging Prospect records, if either record has this box checked, the resulting merged record will have the box checked.

Has Been Convicted of a Felony - Check this to indicate the Prospect has been convicted of a felony. When the Prospect record is loaded to Student, the setting here will carry over to the Student Demographics tab. When merging Prospect records, if either record has this box checked, the resulting merged record will have the box checked.

Organization - An organization can be the prospect’s church, business, etc. Tracking a prospect’s organization may help to target recruiting efforts, as well as help advisors better serve the prospect. It may also show the institution which organizations are referring prospects.

How did you hear about us? – Allows additional information to be entered if the Event field needs explanation. A carriage return is converted to a semi-colon and space upon saving, which is necessary for export reports. This field can also be populated from the Graduate Application Portal's "Explain" field.

Online App Fee Paid – This system-populated field, when checked, indicates the Prospect has paid an online application fee from within the Application Portal. That information is stored in the ProspectAppFeePaid SQL table. When the Prospect is loaded into a Student record in CAMS, selecting the option Import Online Fee Paid will add the application fee paid amount as a credit entry for the Student in the Application Fees Billing Batch where it may then be distributed to the Student’s Billing Ledger.