Setup Term Cost Centers

Cost Centers in term offerings allow you to define tuition costs based on course registration. That is, the fee is determined by the course taken (i.e. Graduate level/Undergraduate level). For instance, if a student registers for a course in the Graduate Program and another in the Undergraduate Program (both with different cost as defined in the Cost Center/Cost Type setup), the fees assessed for each class will differ. On the other hand, if a student is charged tuition based solely on the student type (Cost Type), regardless of course taken, then typically one Cost Center is in order. And certainly, a combination of the two can exist as well.

Utilizing separate Cost Centers may also be for the simple purpose of accounting for revenues separately. For instance if there is a need to keep campus revenues separate (Main Campus, North Campus, etc.), create these Cost Centers and apply them to the appropriate courses in Course Offering Maintenance.

Term Cost Centers can be setup using any of the following methods found on the Tuition and Refunds window (Registration >Offering >Setup >Tuition and Refunds >Cost Centers tab): Add, Setup, or Copy.

To Set Up Tuition and Refunds:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Registration >Offering >Setup >Tuition and Refunds. The Tuition and Refunds window opens.
  2. Enter a Term then click Find to display the setup for that Term or click Find without entering a Term to display all Terms that have been set up.


Use the Add button to add new cost centers to the term, one by one.

  1. Click Add to open the New Cost Record entry form.
  2. Select the appropriate term from the Term drop-down list (Term Calendar Lookup Table).
  3. Choose the Cost Center to be added to the Term from the Cost Center drop-down list (Cost Center reference table).
  4. Click Update to save new entry or Cancel to exit without saving.
  5. Repeat these steps until all necessary Cost Centers have been added for the term.


The Setup feature is used to allow CAMS to create all possible combinations of Cost Center and Cost Type. CAMS will look at all the reference tables for each of these items and create an entry of all Cost Types in each Cost Center.

  1. Click Setup to open the detail setup form.
  2. Select the term to be set up from the drop down list (Term Calendar Lookup Table).
  3. Uncheck Include Inactive Cost Types if you want CAMS to ONLY set up active Cost Types.
  4. Click Update and CAMS will create the Cost Centers, Cost Types, Refund Groups for the specified term. Detail will need to be entered. This function creates the shell, or framework. Detail such as costs, refund periods, etc. will need to be entered.


The Copy feature allows you to copy cost structures from one term to another.

  1. Click Copy. The Term Copy Options form displays.
  2. Select the term from which you will be copying and the term to which the information is being copied, for instance Copy From SP-04 and Copy To SP-05.
  3. To copy the cost structure, including Cost Types, Refund Groups, and course Fees for ALL Cost Centers, do NOT make any selection in the Cost Center field. CAMS will capture all Cost Centers by default when this field is blank. If you only wish to copy a specific Cost Center or Cost Centers, select the appropriate Cost Centers from the drop-down list.  
  4. Determine whether or not you wish to copy courses at this time. This will copy the course offering from the existing term (Copy From field) to the new term (Copy To field). Courses that start on the first day of the existing term will also start on the first day of the new term. CAMS will verify that beginning and end date values are defined in the Term Calendar Lookup Table before running the Copy process. Courses that do not begin on the beginning date of new term will be copied with the same number of days relative to the course start date in the existing term.
  5. Determine whether or not CAMS should Copy Course Schedules – this will include the course days, times, room location, and instructor.
  6. Indicate whether or not the copy process should “Include Courses without Registered Students”. This will copy courses offered in the existing term for which no students registered.
  7. Select whether or not to copy individual course fees set in the course offering, as well as books assigned to the courses being copied.
  8. Click Copy. A confirmation message displays asking you to confirm the operation. Courses will be copied with the attributes currently assigned to them in the existing term. Course status to will be set to "Open", provided this value exists in the glossary table (Offering Status). If the value does not exist, the field will be left blank.

Note: Because the copy of courses from one term to another cannot be reversed, make certain you really want to copy before you click Yes on the confirmation message.


Use the Print button to generate a report that displays your defined cost setup for a designated term and cost center, or for all cost centers within the designated term.


Use the Delete button to remove a Cost Center and its associated cost and refund records.

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