Maintaining Transcript Courses

Add Or Modify A Course In The Transcript Maintenance Form:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Registration >Academic >Maintenance. The Transcript Maintenance form opens. You will see all courses for which the student has been officially registered, or that have been entered as transfer classes.
  2. Right-click in the data grid to add a new record or double-click an existing entry to view or make changes. While is very rare that a course is entered in this manner, the ability to do so exists for unique situations. Typical population of this data comes directly from registration of courses and entry of transfer courses.

If adding a new record

If modifying an existing record

Note: If modifying a course due to the student changing sections of the course, click the search icon to the right of the section field to link the existing course/section to the new section. This process will ensure that the proper unique id (SROffer ID) is reflected in the SROffer Table and student's transcript record.

  1. Click Add/Update to save record or Cancel to exit without saving changes.

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College Name: Copied from the Student Transfer Entry screen.

Department, Course ID, Type, Section, Course Name, Credits, Clock Hours, Instructor: All copied from course information supplied during entry of Student Transfer Course, or Registration.

Category: (Glossary: AcadCrsType) Enter the appropriate category for the course. Courses coming from Student Transfer Entry will default to “Transfer”; those courses coming from Official Register will default to “Curriculum”. Other choices are Exam, Transient, and Validation.

Note: Exam, Transient, and Validation categories do not participate in the repeat calculations.

College Level: Indicate whether or not this course should be included in College Level calculations.

Degree Audit: Indicate whether or not this course should be allowed to satisfy Degree Audit requirements.

Grade, Previous Grade, Mid-Term: Auto populated upon saving grade entries/changes (Grade Entry Options)

Transfer Summary: If Yes, a new set of options are available:

Grade Catalog - Select a Grade Catalog to allow a specific course to have its own grade catalog so that course can receive grades that are different than what is assigned to the student in the Student Status Grade Catalog. Grades for this course will be calculated into the overall grade as set in the selected grade catalog for the course. This field can be populated manually or by registering a student for a course with the Grade Catalog field populated.

Note: Only select a specific Grade Catalog for a course if that course's Grade Catalog should be different than the student's default Grade Catalog.

Show on Grade Report: Designate whether or not this course should appear on Grade Report. Default is Yes.

Show on Official Transcript: Designate whether or not this course should appear on Official Transcript. Default is Yes.

Show on Advisor Transcript: Designate whether or not this course should appear on Advisor’s Transcript. Default is Yes.

Repeated Course: This field is automatically populated upon the calculation of repeats. If the course has been designated as a repeat, the “flag” will be changed to “Y”.

Ignore Automated Repeat Policy: Default is “N”, meaning that your institution’s repeat policy will apply to this course. If this is a course that should not be part of the repeat policy, change the value to “Y”. This will mark the course to be excluded from repeat calculations, and thus the “Repeated Course” value will always remain unchanged, unless you manually change it.

Affects Hope GPA: Default is “Y”. It applies towards the calculation of the GPA for the Hope Scholarship. The GPA is displayed on the Hope Double Column transcript and Final, Hope Full Page grade card.

Inc Hope Term and Inc Hope Cum: Used in conjunction with Affects Hope GPA. To select one or both of these options Affects Hope GPA must be selected.

Note: If just Affects Hope GPA is selected then both term and cumulative attempted and earned hours are calculated. Term and cumulative hours are not calculated.

If Inc Hope Term and/or Inc Hope Cum is selected then term and/or cumulative hours are also calculated.

Inc Hope Term and Inc Hope Cum cannot be selected if Affects Hope GPA is not selected.

SAP Total Hours – Indicates which course's hours are counted toward the total hours for the student's Primary Program Length (SAP Program Hours in the Major/Minor Reference table).

Writing Intensive and Honors - While these fields don't appear on default CAMS transcripts, you can customize the transcripts to include these fields, which will display when checked on this screen.

Exclude Financial Aid - Indicates that the course is ineligible for institutional aid (see: Texas 3-Peat Policy). This is a reporting flag only and does not affect functionality.

Not Affect Cum Earned - An override for curriculum (non-transfer) courses to force grade to not affect cumulative earned.

Not Affect Cum GPA - An override for curriculum (non-transfer) courses to force grade to not affect cumulative GPA.

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Equivalent Course Department, ID, Type: Use these fields to link the above information with a course within your institution. This is used in such cases as transfer courses (Note that Curriculum course equivalents are defined in Master Courses. CAMS will look at these links when checking Equivalent courses for prerequisites, repeat calculations (transfer courses only), and degree requirements in the Degree Audit process.

Start Date and Completion Date: These fields are important primarily for variable credit and independent study courses. Because dates can differ for various students, CAMS offers the ability to track those dates here. Again these dates are populated upon registration of the course in the Independent Study/Variable Credit Course screen.

Start Entry Date: This is typically the date that the student was registered for the course and is a manually populated field.

Completion Entry Date: This is typically the date that a grade was entered for the course and is a manually populated field.

Location - The Location can be used to set a value for students to determine where they are taking their courses and report historical information via custom reports.

Factors Affecting GPA Calculation

  1. deselecting the “Show on Official/Advisor Transcript” option or
  2. applying a grade that has no GPA value.

Factors Affecting GPA Grouping