Registration Parameters

One of the first steps in the registration process is to establish registration parameters--the rules to apply when registering students for courses. This is the first tabbed form found in the Registration window (Registration >Academic >Register or Unofficial). Load Parameter options are saved by user/machine. To save the options, load student registration, click the options you need, then click the Load button. The selected options will persist and be repopulated even if the window is closed then reopened.

Establish parameters:

  1. Take note of the Registration Mode to ensure that you have accessed the correct one. See Registration Modes for more detail on Unofficial vs. Official Registration.
  2. Enter the Registration Term, the term for which you are registering the student.
  3. Enter an Effective Date for the registration. This date plays a key role in determining late registration fees. This date can be pre- or post-dated in order to handle special cases and/or corrections.
  4. To display courses from only specific campuses, highlight one or more Access Campus in the selection box.
  5. Select the desired Registration Save Option:
  1. Save Only. Simply save the registration without generating any output.
  2. Combined Sched/Statement.  Save registration and print a combined Student Schedule and Student Billing Statement.
  3. Combined w/Detail Schedules. Save registration and print a combined Detailed Student Schedule and Student Billing Statement.
  4. Condensed by Student.  Save registration and print a condensed Student Schedule.
  5. Standard by Student w/Books.  Save registration and print a Student Schedule with required books listed.
  6. Standard by Student.  Save and print a Student Schedule.
  7. Matrix.  Save and prints a Matrix Schedule.
  8. Condensed by Student w/Waiting List. Save registration and print a condensed Student Schedule with Waiting List.

Note: There are HTML versions of the above reports also available for the drop-down list. These reports do not use Crystal Reports and can be used if the institution has problems overloading the Crystal RDC engines during heavy reporting periods. These reports are available only from the registration window and used on a per student basis and have the normal IE file menu allowing the user to print normally. If the file menu bar is not seen press the Alt key once to display the bar.

  1. Click the check box next to the each of the listed options that you wish to have applied to your registration process:

Check for Schedule Conflicts. CAMS will check to see if the course being registered conflict in day and time of other registered courses. If conflict exists, the user has option to override warning and register the student for the class.

Check for PreRequisites. If prerequisites are not met, a warning prompt will appear and the user will have the option to override the warning and register student for the course.

Note: Prerequisite courses that are in progress in a previous term at the time of registration are considered as having met the prerequisite requirement.

Check for PreRequisites in Course Equivalents.  If "Check PreRequisites" has been selected, this option will appear.  Course equivalents are defined in Course Master.

Note: Selecting Check for PreRequisites in Course Equivalents will check two levels deep in PreRequisites. For example: Painting 201 has a prerequisite of Painting 101. Painting 101 has a course equivalent of Art 101. Art 101 has a course equivalent of Ceramics 101. When checking prerequisites in Course Equivalents, either Art 101 or Ceramics 101 will meet the prerequisite requirement for Painting 201 in addition to the actual prerequisite of Painting 101.

Check CoRequisites.  If student is not registered for a corequisite course, a warning prompt will appear, but user will be able to continue with registration of original class. If the student has already met a corequisite in a previous term, a notice will display indicating the co-requisite has already been met. A warning prompt will also display when dropping a course that is needed as a corequisite.

Auto Load CoRequisites.  If desired, you can let CAMS automatically register any corequisite courses. If "Check CoRequisites" has been selected, this option will appear.

Note: If Auto Load CoRequisites is checked then the option to filter courses during registration is removed.

Notify if Repeat. If the course being registered is a repeat due to one of the following scenarios, a Repeat Notification displays with the appropriate information. Users will have the option to override the warning and register the student for the class based on your institution’s policies.

Check Financial Aid Package Load. If selected, CAMS will compare the registration load for the student with the Financial Aid Load as designated in the Financial Aid Status Detail form of the Financial Aid Student Maintenance window. If the value in the "Packaged for Load" field does not match the registered student load, a warning prompt will be displayed. Registration will not be prevented.

  1. Once parameters have been set, click Load to access the Register form and the other registration forms in this window.

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