Document Image

An image of the document can be stored and assigned to a Document Tracking entry for immediate viewing. You can use scanned or original documents. If an image is associated with a document item the item will display in blue in the data grid. Storing document images may use a large amount of disk space. Ensure that there is always enough space to run CAMS Enterprise effectively.

To Assign a Document Image:

  1. Highlight the document item in the data grid on the Documents tab.
  2. Click the Image tab. The Document Image window displays.
  3. Use the Browse button to navigate to and select the image document. Any image type document may be assigned if it can be viewed with an associated program, such as, a PDF, JPG, Microsoft Word, etc.
  4. Click Load Document to upload the document to CAMS Enterprise.
  5. To view the image highlight the document tracking item and click the Image tab. To view the image in a full-screen view click the View Full Screen button.
  6. Select Display in Portal to allow the student to view the image from the student portal. Deselecting this box will keep the images from displaying in the student portal. Document images will not display on the portal if this is selected and the Internal check box is checked on the Document Tracking Documents tab.
  7. To delete the image, but not the document, click the Delete Image button.

Note: Depending on the file type, a dialog box asking to Open, Save, or Cancel the document may display when uploading or viewing the document image. Click Open to view the document image or Cancel to not view the image. Clicking Cancel will not prevent the image from associating with the document item when uploading.

To view certain types of images, such as TIFF files, a plug-in for Internet Explorer may have to be installed. A TIFF plug-in can be obtained from

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