Define Email Template Groups

Define email template groups:

  1. Click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Email Templates to open the Email Template Setup window.
  2. In the Email Template Group Definition form, right-click in the data grid to bring up a new entry form.
  3. Select the Module from the drop-down list. This, along with the Organizational Unit, entry will determine what list of available templates the user will see.
  4. Select appropriate Organizational Unit. Like the Module selection, this value will determine to what templates the user has access. For instance, if you are working with Prospect Activities, you will see those that fall under the category of Admissions (Module)-Prospect (Organizational Unit). Likewise, the user must have access to Admissions >Prospect.
  5. Enter a Group Name. Use this field to describe your group of templates. The naming convention is up to you and is limitless. Use identifying labels that are meaningful to your institution.
  6. Click OK to save entry or Cancel to exit without saving.

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