Glossary Tables

To populate glossary tables:

  1. Click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Glossary Table tab.
  2. Select the Glossary Category (data grid in upper half of form) you wish to edit by highlighting it.
  3. Right-click in the Elements of Category data grid (lower half of form) to open a new detail entry form.
  4. Enter the Display Text and Description.
  5. Enter the State Reporting Code and ISO Code if required.
  6. User Protect allows you to provide numeric information about the glossary entry. Entering a value here will signal to the user that this is a protected entry and should not be changed.
  7. Use the Display Order to determine the order in which the values from 0 to n will appear in the drop-down list.
  8. Click Add to save a new entry, Update to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Note: Glossary tables can be printed using the Print button.  Highlight the selected glossary and click Print.  The options are to print the selected glossary, print all glossaries, or cancel printing.

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