Glossary Tables
To correct data found in tables in CAMS:
- Click CAMS Manager
>Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Glossary Diagnostics Tab.
Note: Look at the table name column and the field column. You will see duplicate listings which signifies a column of data is coming from two or more glossary categories.
Select the row in the grid with the lowest count for a given table and field (usually means incorrect data - although not guaranteed to be incorrect. Contact Thesis for guidance). Double left click
a row in the lower grid to begin the process of replacing incorrect data with valid glossary lookup data. For a given table name and field, the row with the highest count is assumed correct
- Select a row in the top grid that you believe to be incorrect glossary category for the given table and field.
- Double left click a value in the lower grid of data found on that table and field. This will bring up the detail where you can replace incorrect data with data that comes from a different glossary category that is assumed to be correct.
- Click update to perform the substitution. After the upper grid is refreshed, you will no longer see your table and field name (assuming this will fix all the data) in the upper grid.
- Repeat for each value found in the lower grid that list incorrect values coming from select glossary category