SSI Files

As previously explained in the Table Maintenance section of this document, CAMS uses Server-side Include (SSI) files to hold Glossary and Reference table values. These SSI Files are called by the Internet Information Server (IIS) when a page is created for the client and include all values present at the time the page is built.

CAMS offers a utility that will automatically rebuild all glossary and reference Tables SSI files based on current table values. The Generate SSI Files function is used in such situations as a data conversion, when the table values have been converted rather than entered in the standard manner, or if the SSI files on the server have been corrupted or inadvertently deleted.

There are additional SSI files that need to be regenerated after data conversion.

To generate Glossary/Reference SSI Files:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Table Maintenance >Generate SSI Files tab.
  2. Select either the Generate Glossary SSI or Generate Reference SSI. A prompt will be displayed asking you to confirm that you wish to continue with the process.

To Generate FERPA Warning SSI File:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Configuration.  The Configuration screen opens and automatically regenerates the FERPA Warning SSI file.

To Generate Financial Aid Award Reference SSI Files:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Financial Aid >Setup >Award Reference.  The Award Reference List screen opens.
  2. Click Generate.  The Award Reference SSI Files are regenerated.

To Generate Campaigns Reference SSI Files:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Development >Setup >Campaigns/Memorial.
  2. A change to any item must be made to regenerate the Campaigns Reference SSI Files.  For example, open up a campaign for edit and change any field, then reset it back to its original value.
  3. Click Save or close the window to regenerate the SSI files.

To Generate Housing SSI Files:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Housing >Setup >Rooms.  The Housing Rooms Setup window opens.  
  2. Close the Housing Rooms Setup window and the Housing SSI Files automatically regenerate.

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