Test Scores Table Setup

Test scores can be recorded in CAMS Enterprise on the High School (H.S.) tab of the Student Admissions Information page. Before test scores can be entered the test must be set up. There are several standardized test score templates provided and additional test templates can be added. Each test can have its own unique set of information fields, score fields, and percentile fields.

To Set Up or Modify Test Score Templates:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options >Test Score Table Setup. The Test Score Table Setup window will open.
  2. Double-click an existing record to modify the current entry or right-click in the data grid to create a new template.

Warning: If existing test templates have been assigned to students and scores entered for the template being modified, a warning will display stating that changing the template may have undesired results, such as loss of data.

  1. Enter a Test Name (required) and Description.
  2. If Test Date, Scores Source, State Taken or Test Type fields need to be available during data entry, check the appropriate box to display the label and initialize the field.
  3. Select Active if the test is to be available to add to a Prospect or Student record and display in the Prospect and Student BYOR criteria drop-downs.

Note: To reduce the size of the drop-down lists, only active tests display in the BYOR drop-downs. Inactive tests may still be used for criteria selection in the BYOR reports by simply removing the check mark in the box for Active in the BYOR windows.

  1. Enter up to six Custom Label fields to display that user-defined label display with a text box on the test form. These are free-form alpha-numeric fields. When an entry is made in this label field, it will appear in the Detail Test Scores Entry form and the score entry field will be activated for data entry.
  2. Select a Test Group (CAMS Manager >Lookup Table Options State Reports Lookup >Test Group Glossary Category) to place the test within that grouping in the Prospect and Student BYOR window's criteria
  3. Click Add to save the form and allow Scores to be entered. Double-click the newly added test to open the detail form and add Scores.
  4. Right-click in the Scores grid to open the Test Scores Setup Detail dialog box.
  5. Enter the required Score Label. Enter the Percentile Label to have that field display on the test, otherwise that field will not display.
  6. Select Active to display this score on the test in Admissions; remove the check mark to prevent display.
  7. Click Toggle User Audit to view the "Created By" and "Changed By" fields
  8. Click Add or Update to add this score to the test template.

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