SAP Status Change

The SAP (Satisfactory Academic Progress) Status Change process is used to assign Institutional SAP and Governmental SAP values to Student Status records based on completion rate percentages and program length percentages as well as other criteria. Reporting is available for the Rate of Completion in the defined Term and the Program Length Percentage that has been completed. Rules are defined to capture students meeting specific criteria and the process is run to update the Institutional and/or Governmental SAP status for a designated Term.

SAP Status Change Criteria Setup:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page click Tools >Processes >Registration >SAP. The SAP Status window opens to the Setup tab.
  2. Right-click in the data grid to add a new record or double-click an existing record to view or modify.
  3. Provide the SAP Change Parameter entry Definition Name (required).
  4. In the SAP Criteria section, identify the criteria for the evaluation term to be used to select students.

Note: The Completion Rate Percentage is calculated by the following formula: Cumulative Earned Hours (up to and including the evaluation Term) divided by Attempted Hours multiplied by 100.

The Program Length Percentage is calculated by the following formula: Cumulative Total Attempted Hours (up to and including the evaluation Term) divided by Program Length (SAP Program Hours in the Major/Minor Reference table) multiplied by 100.

Only values from terms sharing the same Primary Program selection as the Evaluation Term will be included in the SAP summary completion percentages. Terms with a different or blank Primary Program will not be included in the calculation.

  1. In the Set SAP Information section, select the existing SAP values to look for in the Student Status record for the evaluation Term. To evaluate all existing SAP values, including those students with no SAP value set in the evaluation term, do not select any existing SAP values.
  2. Select the SAP values to set the Institutional and/or Governmental SAP in the effective term. At least one of these values must be selected to save the entry.
  3. Click Add or Update to save the record or Cancel to exit without saving.

SAP Run Processes:

SAP processes can be ran for one term by setting the Evaluation Term and Effective Term as the same term. Or you may evaluate one term to make SAP Status changes in a future term. Note that students must have status records in both the Evaluation Term and Effective Term for evaluation and changes to occur. Multiple processes may be run at once and process sequences can be saved then loaded for future runs.

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page click Tools >Processes >Registration >SAP. Click the Run tab.
  2. Select the Evaluation Term, the term from which all the SAP Criteria and existing SAP values will be viewed.
  3. Enter the Effective Term, the term to which the new status value will be applied.
  4. The top data grid displays a list of available status definition processes. Double-click a row in the top grid to select that process. You can add multiple processes to run consecutively.
  5. To remove a process from the bottom grid, highlight that row and click the Delete button.
  6. To change the sort order of processed in the bottom grid, click the Sort Order column of a row then type the desired number. You MUST click another row after changing a number for the change to take effect.
  7. Click the Reorder button to sort the rows by ascending order.
  8. Processes that are frequently ran together can be saved so that the group can be reloaded at a later time. After populating the Process to Run grid, enter a name in the Save As dialog box then click Save to retain the group in the Load Process drop-down. Select an entry from the Load Process drop-down then click Load to quickly reload that process at any time.
  9. Processes may be added, removed or renumbered in any saved process. Simply load the process, make the desired changes then click the Save button

Note: When running multiple processes, each process is executed in consecutive order with the next process evaluating based on any changes the previous process may have made.

  1. Once all desired processes are loaded in the Process to Run grid, click Verify.
  2. A list of all students with a status record in the Evaluation Term will display on the Verify tab. The first process in the sort order displays in the Rule drop-down.
  3. You may export or print a report of all students that will have their SAP status changed.
  4. When Evaluation Term is selected, the grid displays information on the students based on their status before the rule selected is ran. To view how each rule will affect the students select the next rule then scroll to the right to view how the previous rule affected the Institutional and/or Governmental SAP.
  5. Select Effective Term to view the results after all rules have run.
  6. Once you are satisfied with the results, click the Process button. The Results tab displays the number of records processed.