Payment Plan Type Fees

Some institutions may charge a handling fee or other fees, which are related to a particular Payment Plan Type and are not an interest percentage or down payment amount. The fee could be a one-time payment plan setup charge, or it could be a small fee charged with each installment of the payment plan. Once Payment Plan Types have been defined, you can then add fees.

To associate fees with payment plan types:

  1. From the CAMS Enterprise Home page, click Billing >Payment Plans >Setup >Payment Plan Type Setup. The Payment Plan Types window displays.
  2. Highlight the Payment Plan Type to which you wish to add a Fee, and then click the Fees tab. The Required Fees data grid displays.
  3. Right click in the data grid or click the Add button to open a blank Required Fees detail form, or double click an existing Fee to modify.
  4. Select the appropriate fee TransDoc from the list (TransDoc reference table).
  5. Enter the dollar Amount of the fee.
  6. If the fee will be charged for each scheduled payment, change the Recurring Fee to Yes. Leave the default of No when charging a one-time fee.
  7. The Active field defaults to Yes, and refers to the Fee as being active in this Payment Plan Type.

Note:  Fees may not be removed from the Payment Plan Type, but may be inactivated by changing the Active field to No.

  1. Click Add to add the Fee, Update to save modifications, or Cancel to exit without saving. The Required Fees data grid displays. Click Save to save data to the database and refresh the window.

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