Once Payment Plan Types have been defined, you can then add Qualifying TransDocs to the plan. Defining a TransDoc for a particular payment plan will limit the list of transactions available for use in calculating the original amount (Payment Plan Maintenance detail form, Amount field).
For example, if "Payment Plan Type A" has a frequency of Monthly, and the number of payments is 4 (four months in a semester), and the TransDoc selected is the TransDoc named “Semester”, CAMS will limit charges to only those that are associated with the TransDoc "Semester". Any courses associated with a "Semester" TransDoc would have their tuition charges included in the Amount available for "Payment Plan Type A".
If no TransDocs are specifically defined, all TransDocs will be included in this calculation. If more than one Qualifying TransDoc is added, then only charges related to those specific TransDocs will be included.
To add or modify a payment plan qualifying TransDocs:
Note: Qualifying TransDocs may not be removed from the Payment Plan Type, but may be inactivated by changing the Active field to No. This will remove the limitation of charges based on that particular TransDoc, and if it were the ONLY Qualifying TransDoc defined here, would allow all TransDocs to be included in the calculation of charges for the Amount field. Also note that inactivating a Qualifying TransDoc in Payment Plan Type Setup will NOT inactivate the actual TransDoc in the TransDoc reference table.