GPA Groups

GPA Groups are utilized in Admissions to categorize students, designate application fees, and define Undergraduate and Graduate Programs. GPA Grouping is used in Registration to set Transcript groups.

GPA Groups Fields:

GPA Grouping - Name of the GPA Group that displays in the drop-downs.

Transcript Description - For reference only to describe the transcript usage of this grouping such as Undergraduate or Graduate.

Transcript Sort - Determines the transcript display order when multiple GPA Groupings display on a transcript.

SEVIS Reporting CODE - No longer used.

GPA Grouping Category - Select Is Undergraduate or Is Associate to designate the GPA Group entry as an Undergraduate GPA Group. Select Is Graduate to designate the GPA Group entry as a Graduate GPA Group. The GPA Group assigned to a Program in the Programs Reference table will designate that Program as either Undergraduate or Graduate.